Sydney School of Arts & Humanities

We tailor our book coaching to each individual, depending on their specific needs and skill level. Whether you need help formulating your ideas and developing your plot and characters, mastering the technical craft of writing, editing your draft or considering publication options, we can offer advice and support.
Sydney School of Arts & Humanities offers coaching and mentoring to authors who are looking for help or guidance with their work. Writers of all levels of experience can reach a stage where outside perspective is beneficial. Please contact us for a free consultation by phone, where we can discuss your goals and issues, and you can decide in which aspect of writing we will assist you.

Christine Williams has broad experience in writing for publication across a number of genres in the fields of fiction and non-fiction. Her publication experience includes books as well as journalism, the essay, life story & short story. She has a special interest in memoir, relationships and identity in life-writing, having researched the life of the Indian philosopher, Jiddu Krishnamurti, for her Doctorate of Creative Arts from the University of Technology, Sydney. She also holds a Master of Arts from the University of Sydney.

Sharon Dean is an author, editor and writing coach who has worked with SSOA for several years. The recipient of a Griffith University Chancellor’s Medal for a PhD in Creative Writing, she enjoys the diverse spectrum of Japanese literary genres. In 2009 she won the Haiku Dreaming Australia Award. Sharon appreciates working with people whose voices often go unheard. For four years she ran an award-winning digital storytelling program that empowered older Australians to share their stories. She frequently leads writing groups and coaches on a range of topics from story development to editing.

Lisa Creffield is a business writer and novelist. With a degree in English Literature & Language from the University of Oxford, her areas of expertise include both non-fiction and fiction. Lisa was shortlisted for the Celapene Press Charlotte Duncan Award 2013 and has won several prizes for Neo-Latin poetry translation. As well as leading writing groups at SSOA, Lisa is involved in coaching the technical side of writing, including social media marketing.

Syam Sudhakar, SSOA's Poetry Advisor, is a lecturer in English in Kerala, India. An award-winning bilingual poet who writes in English and Malayalam, he specialised in Beat poetry for his PhD in English Literature from the University of Madras. He has performed readings at home and abroad, with poems translated into English, French, Danish, Tamil, Bengali, Manipuri and Hindi. He has five collections to his credit, including 'Drenched by the Sun' and 'Slicing the Moon' (a bilingual video). Syam assists new poets tackle the nuances of writing poetry that inevitably arise in a genre that is one of the 'finer' arts. 'Anyone can write a poem, but is it any good - and why?' is a question that Syam is happy to explore with you in coaching towards publishing success.
Contact us now to find out more.