Our latest collection of stories by SSOA writers - titled Short Stories Sydney School of Arts - is now available online - from Amazon & Apple, Booktopia & Book Repository - as well as on order from all good bookstores.
Thanks go to all authors whose work was selected for the annual anthology, including Faisal Sayani, Kay Dunne, Lawrence Goodstone, Matt Jackson, Jim Piotrowski, Jennifer Neil, Sam Herzog and Wil Roach.
Their stories cover a range of subjects, plots and places, from couchsurfing to old-style rollerskating, from Valentine's Day to uber-sex, from Mont-Saint-Michel to Australia's Gold Coast.
Try them - you'll like them! And don't forget to buy another copy of the book for that special friend's birthday.
Credit photo: Gerdette Rooney
Cover design Ferdinando Manzo
SSOA writers' blogs are made possible through the support of City of Sydney grant assistance.