The Poem
Let's start the year with a little tragi-comedy from David Benn ... The Poem A cold overcast morning had become a sodden grey Sunday...
Vale Sao Khemawadee Mangrai - so sorely missed
Christmas compliments and gratitude
Christmas means ...
The colour blue - a personal impression
Choose a colour - 10 minute creative writing exercise
Pork barrelling - using government funds for niche projects to 'buy' votes
Waking Up with James
Whatever it takes ... writer's block
Creative writing exercise
NSW expected to hit 80% vaccination later this week
A Garden Wall - Creative writing: dialogue exercise
A Walled Garden in the Pandemic
Writing of the Week 'Out of character'
Hasan's bread
Write from the POV of an inanimate object
The New Yorker will find you a man if you need one ...